
Monday, December 22, 2014

808 Delight v1.5 - MERRY CHRISTMAS

Seems like I thought the "sign in to email notification" gadget was the "Follower" gadget. 
Now since I was getting feedback, that a lot of people were signing in to the Email notification, but our Followers were not increasing, I had to investigate. FINALLY I figured it out.
Please follow the blog by the "Follower" gadget on the top right hand side of the blog.

Thank you
and sorry from my behalf for the misunderstanding

Saturday, December 20, 2014

About Delight App

Delight App is our little Delight exclusive tool, it's an update from the old pure MiniCMD based Resolver app by nicesoni_ash.

It's written in Qt, Symbian C++, MiniCMD (for the logic), QtQuick, JavaScript (for the UI) and HTML (for the changelogs and FAQs) and working on Delight only, because of the MiniCMD integration and multiple CFW configs and settings.

The app has grown over the time and got more and more features, I will shortly explain you what they are doing: