
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Downloads and popularity of Delight Custom Firmwares

well, after reaching a download rate of 3000 on the 23rd (2 days ago), which I was really happy about... I checked the downloads again and almost fell off my chair



which means 1200 in 2 days... thats soooo awesome...
(even though nobody cares enough for donating a dollar or two :P )

I guess it is good, that the  firmware is nearly bugless...afaik there were a couple very minor bugs and the rest were just requests for matter of taste. but like I said: I guess , because feedback is reduced to: "when will v6.1 arrive" and "how to change this, how to change that"
A little more positive feedback would be nice

Its really a shame that noone finds the time to push the google button more often, or the facebook share button or twitter, let alone sign up as a "follower" to the blog...
I mean we don't constantly update, so it is not like you are going to be spammed with emails

Anyway, I am really happy by the results this firmware has achieved and really glad it is so popular...
but a little more support by the Users would be helpful.


  1. Paypal account from India is unable to accept donations...
    Where's your Donate button Eric?

    1. It's the second donation option for Eric. Read the name properly please.
