
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Phone Dead - Release delayed again :(

Looks like today isn't a good day for me .. Bad news.. Fortunately my bro managed to have one of his friend's phone and I kept going on testing my next update. Unfortunately something bad happened and now my phone is not going after the boot screen, I tried everything. So tomorrow I am going to Nokia Center hoping they would return it after flashing and there won't be any other problem. If it will take long, you guys have to wait much longer..  Sorry but I am very upset :(


  1. is it maybe due to the 1000 of times you flashed? isnt it that you can can only "write" some thousend times on NAND flash?

    1. Nope, may be that's because I flashed with some wrong files..

  2. Good luck with that man .hope they fix it for you.

  3. Awww... that's really bad news!! :(
    Downgrade with scandinavian FW doesn't work?

    I hope phone will be allright.
    Ofcourse we will wait - what else can we do? ;)

    1. Yes, Done everything., it's with Nokia Care now.

  4. oh be patiente nicesoni_ash. :)
    try to reassembled your phone ,put your batttery then put on your battery again then try to switch on your power button. :)

    1. You can't do that in N8.. Anyways it's at Nokia Care so no worries.

    2. Hi Nicesoni_ash, actually you can remove/replace battery in N8, and it is not that difficult:
      I am not sure that this would solve your problem, but that's another story.

    3. I already know how to do that but it will void my warranty, besides that is nothing to do with my problem so why the trouble.. ;)

  5. Hi, try flashing with the scadnavia files, they always work for me. i am, almost sure it will work for you

    1. I already tried that mate., I do flashing all the time so these are basic info for me., though thanks for trying to help.. Unfortunately nothing helped so my phone is at Nokia center now :)

  6. Ups that's really a bad news, sorry. Probably you had the internal flash damaged (maybe overdoing flashing can ruin it) and boot flash mode don't recognize the bad clusters and write into them a critical boot file. Did you try to eventually format by phoenix it? boot flash need to recognize the bad sectors in some way.
    I'm afraid the can't repair it on shop and need to send it somewhere else to sobstitute internal HW board. Good luck anyway!
    Hope you may find someone who let you his N8 for a while so u can complete 4.1, I guess you don't need so much time to finish it :)
    Let's cross our fingers!

    1. Yup, that's a bad news and I too fear that some internal flash may got damaged but that shouldn't be because of overdoing of flashing coz this was not my first phone for so much flashing.. :P

      Yup, I tried everything I could through Phoenix but it couldn't revive it so clearly it's a hardware issue now so Nokia asked me to submit it as I have waited there to get it fixed at the moment. They tried flashing it but to no avail and now they have to send it to their higher deptmnt.

      Nope, none of my friends have N8 except one and he is too far. But don't worry. English and German versions are already finished and under testing phase with moki, Moritz and freaxs_r_us... As soon as I will get my N8 back, change log and other info will be published. :)

    2. I suppose it will need 2-3 weeks as usual time requested to repair HW, at least in Italy. Hope it will need much less..

  7. Any way I would notice new Nokia Sleeping Screen v1.10 released today :)

    1. It's been few days already., and no, it won't take that long.. It will be maximum two weeks though they said one week..
