
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What now?

As I promised earlier that I will publish a new update as soon as Nokia release Belle officially and now as they did it, I have started to work on my next Delight version which will be v4.0.

Intensity of testing would be low as I am quite busy with my personal life at the moment but rest assure that it'll be in my higher priorities.

Today I flashed with the official Belle and testing it now and then later today I will start putting mods in it to test it.

I welcome all bug reports you guys made in past in v3.9 so I can test them before releasing my next update so you guys won't have to report it again as unfortunately I didn't make a full list of all those bugs, minor or major.

Also I would like to know about your view on whether I should really need to release a new update if everything seems to be same as the last leaked version since there is no new widget even the ones in leaked version in this new official one or would you be really happy to be on that leaked version as that's pretty much same as the official one.

Do comment. Have a nice day.


  1. hi... i'm not that good in this kind of stuff, i usually just go on with the flow and feel for myself... but having your v3.9 did improve my N8 from the rest of others leaked cfw, that i've tried and even with this so called OFW "symbian belle" not even "nokia belle" as mention in hundreds of info tech sites.

    a new version of your CFW with the core or maybe some adjustment from v3.9 be needed. i'm sure there are lots of comments from other user that they can share...

    from what i can say, if you can refresh the basic / necessary apps with it's newest version which came along with your v3.9, if a newer version is available, e.g. Nokia Store, Nokia Maps.

    thanks and thank you for a simple and i could say economical CFW... :)

    1. It's not you to thank us for our comments, it's us to thank you for making such possibilities...

      THANK YOU!!!

      If it's not that much can you add the mod to change the default name of the drives in file manager, as you have manage to mod it to be most useful...

      is it possible that you may exclude the default tones (except message tone atleast), leaving the user the fun of providing their own, it saves more space for the user to explore more possibility of their devices, its like what you did in the prebuilt wallpapers...

      i really love the set of menu you have provided, the folder system makes it more formal, organize, and nice looking...

      don't know if it's a bug on the gallery, the share icon say " feature not supported" even thou i have the latest social? or i must do something else...

      THANK YOU AGAIN!!! enjoy doing what you do...

    2. - I can do that, but I prefer them simple and default as that won't impact on phone's performance and most users would like it to be default..

      - Tones are stored in Z drive so they won't take up your space, thus I am planning to put them as it is. Prebuilt wallpapers were in C drive that's why I removed them.

      - I will check about social.. :D

    3. hi there, can you mod the notification widget to look like the one in ANNA, full transparent, it's simple and elegant to see on your homescreen...

      THANK YOU...

  2. hey mate.thank you so much for your gr8 works,i should tell you i'm will be happy if you put all widgets from the last leaked one to delight v4.0.btw i trust you and i know you will doing best.tanx a lot.

  3. im pretty much satisfied with 3.9 that i dont want to update it yet until theres a big update on it. Btw, nicesoni_ash thank you for always making the best cfw and always trying to update it. -ryeotc

  4. nicesoni, could you please check if there are any difference from the camera output of OFW BELLE and your cfw delight

    1. I can't say much right now, I will have to test it later and yes, I will include all widgets available in v3.9 to v4.0 too.

    2. so you're gonna to mix the weather widgets, big calendar widgets etc in version 4.0? And can you make a version with Dutch language?

    3. Yes, I will. English version will be the first and translated ones released later.

    4. In that case, I don't have any more to comment.

      I suppose the official firmware feels a bit smoother, I assume this is because of the CPU only working @ 50% on Delight 3.9, right?

      Altough something strange happened yesterday after flashing to the offical firmware. After installation some account-data was asked, logins of Facebook/Twitter et al. All the sudden, it was a list of 12/15 media (which among Foursquare and other unknown)! Tried to search, but I can't find it anywhere. Just when I was happy that Nokia Social was expanded..

    5. I don't think so, according to me it's slower then my v3.9. I have no idea about your rest of the post.

  5. Hi Nicesoni_ash,

    Would love to have an update, with all latest widgets and stuff.
    But for me most important is to be able to install the "NVT N8 CAMERA MOD 3.1" again.
    Now I get the error that the certificate isn't correct...

    Thanks for all your hard work..


    1. NVT mod is still working on my v3.9 and expected to be working on next update as well.

  6. hi nicesoni_ash
    i loved ur delight cfw and im really looking forward to the version 4.0 build upon latest official Belle.
    One error i faced was tht after applying NVT mod i had a bug in the camera app. i dunno if others also faced it. camera app starts ok and can b used normally too bt after exiting the cam app the camera shutter doesnt closes and it kept my device (n8) in a frozen state for abt a minute till the shutter finally closes and then my device started working again. one more issue is wit the weather now widget. it doesnt updates itself automatically. i even found it not working few times.
    Do luk into these probs and release Delight Belle 4.0 as soon as possible with all those gr8 widgets and mods. I'm more eager to it than i was for the official update ;-)
    Thanking u in advance
    God bless u! :)

    1. Camera was freezing due to theme effects, I changed them in v4.0 so it won't be a problem. Weather widget bug is because of weather widget itself, hope it will be sorted out by Nokia later.

    2. wow thnx, v4.0 seems to be out sooner than we can expect..(unlike Nokia making us wait for lifetime)
      btw can u mod one more thing. In gallery view, there are two tabs, one to display all pics and other to choose albums. I've noticed (even in official Belle) we can swipe from right to left to jump these tabs (though we can on every other app wit tabs). i'd really love to have this feature too in v4.0.
      One more thing i noticed was the compact music player widget name has a #(hash) before its name which seems so unpleasant. Can u fix that too plz?
      Also i'd personally recommend pre-installing swipe (with gravity mod). it'll give a nice feel ;)
      and wen it comes to looks, i found this theme very elegant and has a lumia feel wit all those 3rd party apps icons. if u think of making this a default theme it'd b appreciated (by me personally).
      Awaiting much improved version wit all these bugs sorted out.

    3. I will see what can I do about gallery mod. About adding other apps, nope.. I won't add extra apps, I will leave that choice to users.

      In English versions, compact music player widget's name was fine, I guess you are talking about some translated version.

      What theme you are referring to?

    4. I didn't publish your post as it has a warez site link.. though I saw the theme and I didn't like that much.. :( Thanks for the suggestion though.

  7. Best of luck bro for your next update .. Eagerly waiting for it ...
    Cheers :)

  8. Keep work in your way Soni, I hope 4.0 will be the real successor of 3.9 :) I don't believe so much in Nokia and how they manage the phone setup, but if there are new features who you consider cool please add them in 4.0
    I appreciate your optimizations and removing all useless stuff that makes the phone "heavier" and "loaded", and let each user to install separately the loved stuff.
    I would like to ask to change the Delight startup song as it's a bit noisy (in formal environment), I loved the one in 3.6
    Anyway I know I change it myself after updating.
    Take care and good work :)

    1. Thanks dear..

      I have already replaced it's startup tone, hope it will fine now.

  9. te animo a realizar el 4.0,yo tengo el 3.9 y no lo cambio por el belle oficial,podrias corregir el fallo del sensor de luz?y tambien la perdida de la red dual unaa vez que se activa la proteccion de la bateria,aunque se cargue a tope,se queda en modo gsm,gracias

  10. hi nice how was the image quality of official belle compared to the leaked one

  11. Tnx for all your hard work Soni - you're the best!

    I really love your CFWs and I'm always "up to date"!!! ;)

    In Delight Belle 4.0 I would really like to see (if possible):
    - camera mod (maybe something like "NVT N8 CameraMod 3.1")
    - Swype
    - replaced "swirling" theme effect (well... it's your cfw so it's your decision - but I believe most will prefer something other than this) ;)

    Oh, tnx for replacing startup animation in Delight Belle 4.0 - as said it really is quite noisy and not apropriate in business enviroment.. ;)

    Hmm... somewhere I read that processor of Nokia N8 is underclocked - I don't know how to undo this, but maybe this matter would be worth to look into it? ;)

    1. - I would have put some camera mod but then users ask for default one so I leave this choice to individuals.
      - Again choice left to users.
      - Added new theme effects in next version.

      - I am not replacing animation, but only startup sound..

      - No, it can't be overclocked.. At least not till now.

  12. Well first of all i love your firmware nicesony ash! SRSL great work! I been using it since 3.8 and i just love it!... Anyway i wanted 2 tell u some aspects we can improve user experience! just a few tips... Include prebuild apps like dlmn nokia playto... Nokia big screen... Xplore... Skype... .. Nokia car mode...try2 change the font... You know What would be really awesome? Get an oc to this lil oldflagship! Gettin it from 680 to 800? Uses up the battery? Just some crazy ideas... Thanks for your great work! Mauro from Portugal!

    1. Fonts will be changed, other then that.. stays same.. I will leave the choice of adding apps to individual users.

  13. Can you please insert mode for 4x6 menu layout? I know it is not perfect, but its better then original.

  14. Hi,Nicesoni_ash,
    I am eagerly waiting for delight 4.0,i am using 3.9 though but since yesterday after installing some application my phone get out of control and i want to re flash it so please provide delight 4.0 at earliest.
    Best of luck for your developing & testing work & one more thing give start up like heartbreaker CFW.I already using it & boy its awesome.other than this i don't see any suggestion for your CFW.
    Is official belle we can hack or we have to sign my applications to install.

  15. To tell you the truth, it'll take me some time before I flash my phone again. I've flashed it again to return to delight belle that I'm afraid to do it so often. After all, my phone turned out to be a Swiss model and I can have Greek only with your firmware, since I can't change product code. I'm extremely satisfied with delight belle, and will stick to it . :) Take all the time you need, you've worked so hard and you deserve a break.

    1. I am not on break anymore.., I am working hard on my next update :D

  16. I would ask you Soni if you may provide us also an extra link with the mod you won't cook in CFW but that you recomend, so we've under our eyes what is "missing" that we'd like to integrate (I may recomend also "Network switcher" and the recent "accelerometer switcher"). I'm interested for example in camera mods and I expected CFW contained that.
    Please notice that new Nokia Maps has been released (it seams today).

    1. Sure I would .. About extra apps, I won't. Some people find it garbage to have unwanted apps and I don't want Delight to be called as a garbage by any one.., so I would leave that choice to individual and provide the needed things only in Delight.

    2. Soni mate you didn't catch the sense, I talked about an extra zip file with another link where you may put the .sis files of mods and application you recomend, that you didn't include because not sure that everybody is interested. You may do it because you have them available in your desktop and it ay be easy, while for us is asking (we may don't know), searching and finding.
      Thank you very much :)

    3. Oh.., yeah sure.. I will try to put those extra things that way.

  17. continued....

    A rewritten application launcher with default 'flat' structure, i.e. all applications are presented in one big scrolling grid of icons, though as I explained here, it's easy enough to make new folders, including one called 'trash' (or similar), somewhere to put all the apps you don't think you'll even need - this significantly reduces the amount of vertical scrolling needed. There's an option to switch the icons to alphabetic order, or to quick match/search the list, but happily your original order is also remembered so that you can switch back at any time. Newly installed applications are now marked with a red asterisk until they've been opened for the first time.
    The bottom softkeys and (optional) bottom toolbar are replaced with a single toolbar comprising up to four icons (Back/Exit, Custom 1, Custom 2, and Menu). This, for most applications, in theory, gives the UI a flatter hierarchy, with less use of menus and with more direct interaction.
    Update to Web, with numerous optimisations and easy access to multiple windows through a permanent toolbar icon. Like desktop browsers, Web keeps track of your 'Most visited pages' and this can be set as your 'homepage' if needed. A long press and drag on web page text now pops up a 'Copy' option, for copying text to the system clipboard.
    Update to Music Player, with a 'floating track list' in the album art 'cover flow' view.
    Update to Camera, showing the new, streamlined UI that featured in the Beta Labs N8 Camera update. Although functionality is the same, far less taps are needed to get to the majority of settings and functions. Note also that the 'Close-up' mode for the N8 video capture (i.e. with continuous auto-focus) is also included, so no need to install that as well.


    Since you've tested the new firmware,, are the widgets relly in 5 sizes ??
    And they say better use of memory n other stuff related to camera,, as i don't know about this stuff so simply asking that do we already had that in 3.9 or is that something new ?
    Added new functions and bar to default browser etc. ..


    1. They are different in sizes but I am not sure they are really in 5 different sizes. They may, I never counted. :)

      I am still testing it so really can't provide the review right now.

  18. Hello, in the 3.9 when activated battery protection, the network passes gsm mode and remains so even if charged the battery and the light sensor does not work, you could fix these bugs for the 4.0? Thanks

  19. hello. are you planning to include new Nokia Maps Suite 2.0 in your next release? right now when installing it's taking way to much space on "C" drive. thank you.

    1. Yes, I am planning to.. Let's see how much space it will consume..

  20. Hi.. Soni...
    till now delight is best CFW N8 :)
    and for future versions I hope nokia maps added new version .. social network client lastest...
    goodluck bro !!!

  21. Hi Soni, pls i wanted to confirm something i read on the net....some people are saying that in the official belle update...some features are missing (the pull down notification menu) this true...:(

    1. That's false., Pull down notification menu is an essential change in Belle from Anna.

  22. Podrias agregarle el idioma en español :D
