
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Delight Belle v5.2 - FOR C7

Delight Belle by nicesoni_ash - v5.2 released on 06.04.2012 (for C7)

** If you want to use my files as a base to your custom firmware, kindly ask for my permission first, it's a lot of hard work so do respect that..**

** Link your post to my blog for change logs if you want to post it somewhere **

FAQ, Flashing Tutorial, Backup and Restore Documentation, Delight Resolver Documentation, Default Widgets. Restore Caption for HS shortcuts and other needed files are packed as "Needed files.7z" , So read it first before asking any questions..

** Since all translations are available now, there is no support for Writing language ROFS3 in this version. It was a temporary solution till all translations are available.  **


After Flashing complete, your phone will restart once showing you different notifications. Let it do its work. After restart, you are all set to go..



**Check Change Log Here**

About translated rofs2 
  • Pre-installed folders are still in English, you must rename them yourselves in your own language.
  • More info will be added later.

Installation instructions:
  • Read my Flashing Tutorial included in the "Needed Files.7z" archive and then flash.

Download Delight Bell v5.2

Translated Rofs2 - by freaxs_r_us
(More coming soon...)


Taylor - For Belle leaks.
Il.Socio - Rompatcher, Nokia Cooker and a lot more.
CodeRUS - A lots of mods..
Sklchan - Few cenrep mods
the_one.89 - Writing language files
Ancelad - Tactile Feedback and few other mods.
andrenlsbr + BlackDare + djmy19881225 + Jinhao - Theme effects.
witcher3 - Menu organized
Boroda - Widget mods.
hotboy_ist - Big Analog clock widget
freaxs_r_us - Delight Team Member (Translator)
karasss - Widgets Mod.
Peoresnada / kalininvs - Notified Widget.
dude2009 - For resolving F-Secure Antitheft related bug.
iExtraX7 - Several pretty good mods.
xCape - Mod and few tips on widgets and a lot other stuff.
Lovelas - Widgets and few ported screensaver.
moki - Fixed font problem.
DAEVA112 - Translucent widgets
Novag - Translucent Small Calender widge
Zinox - Widget mod.
Missgestalt - Mount mod.
erorcun for porting 808 gallery widget
joshlog - Transparent gallery widget
Cigiampa/xCape - Script files
7b - More Icons in Power Menu (modded for English by me)
Princess@Sátiro - Mod More Ram for Apps!

Special Credit to LPHS - For all the testing so it was possible to make Delight for C7

and everyone who helped me in one way or another..

Let me know if I missed something and I would add your name in here. Thanks.

Hope you enjoy this version too.. :D
Post your views, suggestions or any bug report... Thanks.

Kindly read FAQ file for your troubles and if you don't get the answer of your problems in there, than only put your question here.

This CFW has been created with NokiaCooker.
Consider donating for Free and High Quality softwares -> More info Here.


  1. thanx a lot pal. Atlast c7 users got a perfect cfw:):)


  3. Found a minute prob in CFW. Shutdown screen doesn't appear in full black. Top 1/4 and bottom 1/4 filled with white space.

    1. That's already in the change log under known bugs - This is coz of incompatible sysap for C7.

  4. Can we get that Notes widget and that Written Time Clock widget for the N8? :(

  5. Thx a lot for this wonderfull CFW, now C7 Users can be also happy to have it :-)

  6. Hey Ashok ur custom firmwares are very nyc..i have been using it on my N8 without any problems...But, recently i also updated my Bro's C7 with Delight 5.2 and i found a problem.

    The breathing light doesn't work properly...

    means it is not showing any miss call or message alerts by continuously blinking.

    I have tried everything but it is still not working..

    Pls look after this problem...


    1. Yeah, I know.. Leds problems are there.. It's already in Change log under known problems.. They will be fixed once there will be an official C7 firmware update.

  7. a gr8 cfw, an awesome 1 dude really thnx alot
    bt dude i got a q
    how to flash it, i mean those files
    {Delight Belle v5.2 Core
    Delight Belle v5.2 Rofs2
    Delight Belle v5.2 ROFS3
    Delight Belle v5.2 UDA}
    i have 2 add with wat other files??? nd which flash way i have 2 select {sw update, or refurbish, or sw reset}???
    i wish u wld help me asap nd thnx in advance

    1. Refurbish should be the correct and suggested way to flash.

      Use all these files.. Use my flashing guide for further instructions..

  8. Can I use this rofs2 with this release for c7 or I have to wait for the correct translated rofs?
    I have to say that this cfw is GREAT! It gave speed to my c7. No freezes, no restarts. Flashlight is off, though. Is it a bug? Did I miss something?

    1. Translated ROFS2 published for C7.. Check out the post again.

      And yes, it's a bug. It's already mentioned in the known bugs list in Change log section for C7.. Kindly check that for known bugs.

  9. Thanx for the quick reply. Should I refurbish my phone with the "new" translated rofs2, or just update it?

  10. should i dwngrade my BELLE 609 2 ANNA 4 flashing or not???

  11. if i need tht special ver pack of {english, arabic, german nd french} do i hv to add both the rofs2 files of tht of eng only nd this 1 2gthr using nokia cooker or flash directly with the rofs2 file tht i dwnldd frm this pack's link???

    1. Read my flashing guide mate.. Use only the special rofs2 not the English one.

  12. is tht new music player included in it???

    1. Where did I say it's there.. Read change log for more info. Try to read the blog a bit before asking such questions.

  13. i flashed my fon with delight
    nd only 1 word 2 say {its fucken awesome}
    bt i faced a prob, which is whnevr i try open {sw update} or the app guardian my fon doesnt open anything nd after a restart it lags alot, i cant do anything with it at all xpt after 3 button reset...wat 2 do 2 solve this prob???
    nd oh yea shall i apply all the patches in rompatcher???i applied thm all, bt th b4 last 1 isnt being applied which is {showRAMandROM{S^3}HideF}, is it norm or wat???
    nd othe thing when i open Tools/xtras nd the pess back i goes 2 the main menu nt Tools, is this 2 norm or wat???
    those all r the issues tht i hv found resently
    i wish u wld solve my matters asap nd reply me asap nd thnx alot in advance
    nd really its an awesome cfw nd thnx alot

    1. Read more about these Rompatcher Patches on my blog in particular section.. I can't explain every single patch use separately..

      About pressing back and going to the top of the menu, well you certainly didn't use Belle much as this is how Belle works.

      I didn't face such bugs you mentioned so can't suggest any solution., try to flash again properly .. May be that will help.

  14. Many thanks for this cfw, i have a question, can we install original fw if we want to after installing this cfw?

  15. First of all, I appreciate for your great effort. I installed it successfully and Loved it. However, I'd like add that, after Flashing my C7 with Delight Belle, I installed a few apps, WhatsApp, Opera Mobile and Microsoft Apps 2.0.
    When there was only WhatsApp, the fonts were fine, but after other apps, I got the default belle fonts. I want to get back the delight fonts, I download them from Internet, but unable to copy them C:\Resources\Fonts
    I got Open4All patch, but it seems files under Fonts folder are in use, neither I can rename the folder nor delete any of the font.
    Now is there any way other than reflashing? because I don't want to flash after every 2 days in case if it automatically returns to original fonts.. Please help :)

    1. Microsoft Apps is the coz of that change in fonts.. It has an embedded application that will change your fonts to default., so if you install it your fonts will change back to Default..

    2. FontZoomer solved the problem :) Thanks

  16. I've a concern, I wanted to watch a movie with subtitles, before updating to Delight Belle, subtitles colour was White, but on delight belle, its Black. And Its so annoying.. how to change its color? please help

    1. There is nothing wrong with my cfw.. You must have used some font changing app and that's the reason of that. Use default fonts or use different method to change fonts, it will stay white..

  17. wonderful wonderful awsome i have just installed this amazing one nd i love it so mch

  18. How do i ask for permission for this?

    1. Permission for what.. ? Make a post here asking for what you want to do..

  19. I want delight in my N8, can any one tell me its tutorial?

    1. Tutorial is inside Needed files archive.. Download all files.

    2. Flashed my C7 with your CFW which is now really faster. I appreciate the 10 home screens as well as other features. Vy nice job. Still testing it. Up to now everything works great. It was my first flashing ever. I addmit I was scared for abt 10 minutes when I got some error screens on my Pc but I somehow manage to start flashing. Thks again.

  20. do flv videos work in this firmware?

    1. I never tried flv files actually so really can't comment..

  21. unable to flash ma phone
    after start refurbish
    error : failed to set phone to flashmode..
