
Saturday, May 4, 2013

C7 Delight v6.099 & v6.1 release

C7 Delight v6.099 & v6.1 release

why v6.099? - it's a release without the Delight Theme, which is still in the making...
later when v6.1 is done, you can use the same translations

Delight team:
- huellif - main cooker
- freaxs_r_us - translator and second cooker

Special thanks goes to nicesoni_ash, for his help, knowledge and support.
This CFW has been created with NokiaCooker. Consider donating for Free and High Quality softwares.
If you want to use our files as a base to your custom firmware, kindly ask for my permission first, 
it's a lot of hard work so do respect that.


please don't forget to share us, like us, twitter us on the links below this line

Changelog C7 Delight v6.099:

C7 Delight Belle v6.099
Read FAQ Provided with flashing files and then ask other questions.
  • Integrated ROMPatcher 3.1 (incl. Domainsrv autostart)
  • Integrated installserver.exe
  • Modded autostart (removed system apps), added ROMPatcher
  • Full close system apps
  • Added useful ROMPatches
  • ID3 and EQ editor mods
  • added ported Anna and S^3 screensavers (Animation, Slideshow and Music Player)
  • Anna soundparameters and more volume
  • No keylock vibration (removable, check delight FAQ in Additional Files folder)
  • Tacticle feedback while calls (removable, check delight FAQ in Additional Files folder)
  • Delight animation and sound in C:\data\Animations\, you can replace/remove it
  • Use startup.mif/.mp3 and shutdown.gif/.mp3 and enable warning sound in active profile.
  • Unlocked menu (create subfolders and rename apps)
  • Akncapserver mod
  • No USB popups
  • Fast theme switcher
  • Reduced Qt popupfader
  • No Ovi signup/SMS
  • FP1/2 taskmanager
  • Symbols in powerbuttons
  • Filemanager extender mod
  • Smilies across all applications
  • Predic on E
  • Exclusive delight theme effects in e:\effects, big thanks to our team member Allstar12345
  • Swipolicity mod (more rights)
  • Heapsize and Closing delay mod
  • Strategist camera mod (small size, high quality)
  • No active diverts
  • Music folder search in E:\music\ and F:\music\
  • Skip e:\effects in Gallery
  • Music Player Heapsize 30MB
  • Infinite Browser cache on D:\
  • Voice Recorder mod (5 hours max, 256kbit/s)
  • Sysap.exe 3.0 by CODeRUS (restart via power menu, disabled all popups)
  • No lock/unlock vibration
  • Unlimited SMS sending retries
  • Send protected files
  • Java permissons mod
  • ported FP1 keyboardskin
  • extended maxiumum SMS length to maximum
  • Nokia Pure font (fixed)
  • added Slippery Scrolling mod (you can remove it via deleting C:\private\10202be9\persits\20021192.cre
  • modified CPU and GPU config (for best batterie time)
  • Renaming profile mod
  • Gallery exclude /effects folder mod (no more broken pics in Gallery)
  • 5 pages symbols mod (translated to ALL languages)
  • Show hidden apps modified
  • Delight Menu now changeable through resolver
  • Tethering for USA enabled
  • 22 Equalizer sets added by viral
  • Easy "updater" app by huellif
  • Erased pre-set feeds
  • Added Delight Blog posts feed & Delight Blog comments feed
  • Other small fixes
  • PORTED DLNA from N8

  • By default one empty homescreen with Delight wallpaper, max. 10
  • Disabled product improvment
  • Disabled screensaver
  • Delight menu, A-Z order
  • Disabled charching notes
  • Light time-out 600 secons
  • Screen/keylock time-out 10 minutes
  • Disabled FOTA cache
  • Dialer & FM landscape
Applications Removed:
  • Nokia Social
  • F-Secure
  • Youtube
  • Nokia Music
  • Joikuspot
  • Microsoft Communicator
  • NFC tutorial
  • Adobe Reader
  • Quickoffice
  • Cpix
  • Bouncing boing battle
New Applications:
  • Modified backup & restore and resolver from original delight are included
  • X-Plore 1.60 (with custom settings and icon by BelleXDesigns)
  • Connectivity Analyzer
  • WebSearch Ultimate Lite
  • Internet Radio
  • SIP VOIP extended settings
  • MIFEditor (hidden from menu)
Widgets Added: (all widgets translated to ALL available languages)
  • Anna Notifications (incl. Belle Icons)
  • Anna Notifications 2*2
  • Calendar small
  • Clocks:
·         analogue – small
·         profile
·         small digital
·         text small
  • Contacts:
·         Mini
·         Comms
  • Small:
·         DLNA server
·         WIFI
·         FM-Transmitter
  • Internet Radio
  • Mail
·         One Line
·         Two Line
  • Music player compact
  • Search and Search Mini in ROFS
  • Vertu Apps Launcher
  • Torch
  • Stopwatch
  • Mirror
Skins from:
  • Xinox
  • Kang Shao
  • SelvaSathyam
  • hemantkamat
  • You can replace all skins which are in C:\resource\apps with your own (without wasting RAM via joshlog/iChris patch).
  • To restore default/delight skins check Delight resolver documentation.
  • Some widgets need joshlog or flashing: all email, all contacts and bookmarks widget.

- Allstar12345 - theme effects maker
- Apex666 - theme maker

Link your post to our blog for files and changelogs if you want to post it somewhere else
FAQ, Flashing Tutorial, Backup and Restore Documentation, Delight Resolver
Documentation are in Addtionial Files folder on Mediafire.

This is a completly new CFW, based on Belle 111.040.1511_029, product code
0599842 (known as freaxs_r_us cleaned base package), cooked by me and
Special's in this CFW:
After Flashing complete, 
your phone will restart once showing you different
notifications. Let it do its work. 

After restart, you are all set to go.

What does this mean?
Simple answer, the UDA is empty, all files form UDA are in ROFS and get copied to C:\ after first boot or a hardreset.
- in Menu, Tools, Xtras you will find three apps: backup, restore and resolver and now updater
Check their documentation in Additional Files folder.
**Check Change Log Here**

Known issues:
- you name it

(english only version - for translations go down)
Please don't reupload/mirror this CFW, this isn't a slow hoster or an adversitment page like

Translations & Info
  • Instructions:
1. Just get the download from first post by huellif
2. get the translated files from me in your language
3. exchange the rofs2 you got from me with the one in the full cfw set
  • Translation features:
- ALL needed standard files in your language (if provided by Nokia)
- ALL needed modded files that need translating to work
- IF TTS (text to speech) is available in your language, then it is included
- ALL translations have english as base files
- all writing and keyboard files
- all dialer files
- added ecom-3-0.spi which can handle ALL languages
- translated all new widgets and corrected old ones (I corrected over 500 strings)
- text clock widgets in your language; translations by wirer
   for now only 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 42, 54, 68, 76, 79 ... maybe more later
  • Known "Issues":
- Third party Applications, for example: ROM patcher+, are not translated
- in more than 1 language packages there will be only english text clock
- metadatamod equalizer mod in english
- rarely used languages, such as galician, basque, canadian french, chinglish & taiwan english are not made
Translations are in numbered order
Translations are named v6.1
Standard sets: (english +1 language)
Dual Sets: (english +2 languages)
Delight testers:
- selvasathyam
- prarun2030
- Pranilmaniyar
Thanks for your help :)

Mod providers:
- Il.Socio - Rompatcher, Nokia Cooker and a lot more.
- CodeRUS - A lots of mods.
- iChris701 - For his mods and help
- iExtraX7 - Several mods.
- Ancelad - Tactile Feedback and few other mods.
- witcher3 - Menu organized
- xCape - Mod and few tips on widgets and a lot other stuff.
- Lovelas - few ported screensaver.
- moki - Fixed font problem.
- Cigiampa/xCape - Script files
- 7b - More Icons in Power Menu
- Stephan020793 - his tutorials were my first step into Symbian modding
- strategist - for his camera mod
- MoritzJT - his help with fonts
- Symbian Fan - for help with product improvment
- Robo3737 - for his widgets
- Skull-ATOS - for screensaver
- Joe3, M4C351, peoresnada - for notifications widget
- RedX - for his legendary cenrep informations
- omkarkul - for his mods
- BelleXDesigns - for X-Plore icon

- Zulrock - for the Notification lights fix

and everyone who helped me in one way or another..

Let me know if I missed something and I would add your name in here. Thanks.
Hope you enjoy this version too.. :D
Post your views, suggestions or any bug report... Thanks.

read FAQ file for your troubles and if you don't get the answer of your
problems in there, than only put your question here.

if you want to know whats going on first hand...follow us
by adding your email to this on the right hand side of the blog:

and recieve emails as soon as something changes
help us helping you
the more followers we have the better for the blog

And don't forget to "like" us on facebook
"share" us on google
and anything else you use


  1. hai i flashed ur cfw but i have c drive memory 388mb.i want increase to my c drive memory.what can i do?plz tell me.....ur cfw very good.thank u so much ur team mates.

    1. why do you wanna increase it? Do you actually save data there? Or what reason is there to do so ? I maxed out the uda as far as I could. Leaving space for the theme and translations.

    2. how to put sleeping screen in ur cfw.what reason for only i have c drive to put start up image.gif and this image which size.i flashed english version only.

    3. just install sleeping screen as you would on ofw. The reason for space on C is that the firmware is fully hardreset safe. The Ram is still the same. Exchange imafe.gif in C:/data/Animations and rename it to Startup.gif

    4. in c drive less 300mb means phone hang or not.ur aim is 500mb but i got 388mb why?.i flashed cfw after it automatically started five phases it occupaid 50mb why?

    5. Who says that in C drive less than 300mb it hangs? - it's simply not true. Like I said: the uda is empty and uda was fully integrated into the rofs2, so the phone is fully hardresettable and nothing will be missing afterwards. The 5 phases is the minicmd and copies the uda from rofs2 to C. If your phone slows down after c drive is smaller than 300mb, then it is more likely that it is related to a cache size issue. I'll see if I can clean up a little more in the next version. Thanks for your feedback, but I don't understand your problem. You predict problems that could come up, but I tested it fully and didn't have any issues

    6. how to enable notification lights.ur next process release another firmware for 1st generation phones its true or not.when it will released.

    7. lights will be enabled again in next release. I'll clean up the firmware a little more. And include the theme. Don't know if Nokia will release a new version.

    8. when prepare ur next version of delight.thank u so much...............

    9. How to use phone_us_modem.iso.when release ur next version .help me.

  2. thanx for the translation specially 37_arabic & 94_urdu !

    can you about the remaining files of the rom ...

    1. ohhh ! sorry for the miss print I just was asking about the remaining files of the ROM except rofs2 because it exist !!!

      from where I should them !?

    2. in this post farther up is correctly and you will find it

    3. you mean (C7 Delight v6.099 direct download) isn't that a link for english translation only or it have full ROM files also ... -_-

  3. i flashed delight 6.099 on my c7 & i noticed that notification lights for new messages & missed calls are disabled.. how to enable those lights again, i really need those lights..

  4. autostart apps does not autostart after restar...pls help

    1. which autostart are you talking about ? I need more precise information. Which app? Where did you install it ?

  5. how to turn on menu ,red&green buttons light and the notifications light ?

    1. flash the bugfixed version....delete private/10282bc4 from C first , and then flash via Software Update

    2. I deleted that folder from c:/private & flashed without uda.. But nothing happened. The lights aren't working..:(

    3. I uploaded a new bugfix version yesterday... now it works FOR SURE

  6. when release ur next version.ur next process to use phone_us_phone.iso

    1. phone iso is automatically installed, when setting your phone to "use as modem" in the USB connection

  7. Waiting for the release of the next version. Hoping that the notification lights are already fixed :(

  8. Hi, my name is jesus ratti, I'm from Argentina, I've installed your coustom firmware on my N8.
    But the reason I write to you, is because I see you know a lot and I have a problem, t
    han I can not solve that maybe you can. I have a Nokia E6-00 and want to sell it,
    I use it for a while and it worked well, but I have deleted something in memory ( drive E)
    that do not allow to the phone to read the sim card. Turning off and turning on I have to work a few seconds.
    But after a while of doing this, it did not work any more. Then I flash with nokia bell
    and the same thing happened again. If you could help me I would greatly appreciate.
    The cell, theoretically, work for all telephone companies that are in my country.
    Claro, Movistar and Personal.
    Already thank you very much. Regards

    1. if you flashed the original firmware, and it still doesn't work , then it seems that your SIM slot is broken. The files on E have nothing to do with your SIM . If you still have guarantee, then I would send it to Nokia. Write down your IMEI and open your local and check your guarantee status and go through the repair service questionnaire. Otherwise I don't know how to fix that hardware issue.

  9. Looking interesting. My C7 custom version is 111.040.1511.C00.01, and product code is 059B7C0, can I use this delight. One more problem is that in my phoenix only product code showing is 059B5P1, will this effect anything if I flash by selecting this.

  10. waiting for the v6.1. When is the release?

    1. Yeyyyy! Hoping it'll be released before the end of the month ;)

  11. when release ur next ver.hw 2 use phone us modem in eng version i flashed.

    1. when the theme is done.
      connect phone to computer and in USB connection page choose "Use as Modem"

  12. how to download this cfw plz tell me

    1. read the release post and you will find the download base package = only english package

      and if you like, then another language pack

  13. thanks 4ur great all regards to u . My C7 doing great with ur delight. My only query is where are t documentation files related to this flashing process and how to restore to original menu layout . .
    Thank u .

    1. if you already flashed, then then why do you need the flashing process? About restoring menu: start resolver and after acknowledging it, decline until you get to the question if you want default menu and hit ok

  14. Hi there. What you've done sounds really impressive. I dunno if I'll be able to flash this because I accidentally bricked my C7 by trying to flash anna straight onto the belle refresh it used to run. Navifirm has shut down so I'm hoping since this runs a variant of belle refresh it'll bring my phone back to life :D

    1. yes, this will for sure bring it back to life

  15. hey bro will i be able to install this CFW on nokia E6-00???

  16. Amazing CFW Thx a lot that improve and accelerate my Nokia C7

  17. C7 Delight v6.2 is about to release

    the new widgets, some fixes and mods, winrar, and a new theme....not Delight theme,though
    if all goes well, then by tomorrow

  18. Hey Thanks bro for such a wonderful CFW...I got delight v6.2 installed today on my nokia C7.. Loved the bootscreen a lot.. even the effects were too good.. but em a little lost with ROMpatcher thing.. I tried to change the layout size but nothin happened..Played with it for sometime restartin & rebootin..But my luck dint favour.. Will you please let me kno how to work out the files inbuilt in CFW... Thanks.. waitin for the feedback..

    1. you will only see the changes with that patch if you are using the 4x5 menu or Belle Xtra buttons

    2. Thanks bro for the quick feedback...
      where can i find the 4x5 menu or Belle Xtra buttons...?
      Can you provide me with any LINK....

  19. Sorry forgot to include one more thing..
    In screensavers, there are few options..all worked fi9 except animation one.I can't find any file within it.
    It will be a grate help if u can tell me what should i do to make it work. where and what files are needed to be included for it to work..

    Thanks again...

    1. you can only use the animation one, if you have a .gif animation on your phone

  20. I can't turn on menu ,RED & GREEN buttons light. .The RED light use to glow as a notification for a message received in "WHATSAPP" but it isn't working now. how can i get it back..?


    the lock/unlock key in nokia c7-00 use to activate/deactivate the flash light which isn't working now..How can i fix it up.?
    please help me out with this and I am all done... :)

    waiting for your feedback bro.
